Torre Colombaia is equipped with three photovoltaic systems: 2 have a power of 20 kW each, which provide net metering electrical energy to both our Farm Centre/ Product Warehouse (heat pumps for heating office and employees’ house, refrigerator, electrical energy for the operation of the mills for oil and flours, etc..) and holiday farm facilities (electric resistor to pre-heat the hot water boiler for radiators, lighting, fridge and freezer, washing machine).
This way – having 2/3 of the ENEL bill reimbursed by GSE – we are almost energy self-sufficient in our business.
For water we have started in 2011 a downstream constructed wetlands system of IMHOF pit whose output is placed at Cerreto farmhouse to reuse such treated water.
The third is a 180 kW plant, built by Sunerg in Città di Castello (as the first two plants) and it is used for selling power to ENEL: the electrical energy produced (about 230,000 kWh per year) is then used by ENEL itself, which distributes it to 50 families in San Biagio della Valle, as well as providing our company with a fair degree of annual incentive that allows us to cope with the current crisis with some maintenance investment that otherwise we would not have been able to afford.
Our philosophy is that of JEREMY RIFKIN,The Third Industrial Revolution: a widespread and network of energy production-consumption is prepared by any house/ factory/ company which interconnect end “internet” one another and exchange energy with each other, making oversized and eventually obsolete on a perspective basis coal, oil and nuclear super-plants.